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Not that long ago, Medellín (pr. Med.ay.zheen), Colombia was a very dark and dangerous place. One of the most powerful drug cartels in the world ruled the city through brutal force, controlling the general population and political landscape through violence. Decades of living under the threat (and reality) of physical harm has left the majority of the population in physical, emotional, and spiritual poverty. Although the gang influence has lessened, government corruption is ongoing, and families and society continue to be harmed through worldly agendas. Hopelessness for now and the future is the norm. How does such a city change? How does it transform from darkness to light? The answer is simple: through the God-led actions of the faithful.

Today, a group of Colombian churches are bringing hope and healing to the city of Medellín in the name of Christ. The name of this network of churches and church plants is El Redil, which means “the sheepfold”. This name accurately reflects the mission of these churches — to gather together and minister to the vulnerable, the hurt, and the lost, caring for them much like the Good Shepherd cares for His sheep. The El Redil churches do this through Christ-centred holistic ministries that meet physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs.

As the lost sheep experience provision, healing, and freedom through the Spirit-led actions of the Church, there has been a great revival in Medellín. Many leaders are being built up and this city, once ministered to by Fellowship missionaries, is now sending missionaries of its own to reach the unreached in Québec.

But Medellín still needs our help. El Redil churches are being planted in barrios that are the poorest of the poor, and some are still influenced significantly by gang control. The battle to save the lost is current and very real. For the churches in the poorest neighbourhoods, there is a significant need for care, but the financial resources to meet those needs are not available.

Gospel Transformation Through the Local Church

Children in need—37.5%; At-risk teens—25%; Critical nutrition—12.5%; Neglected deaf—12.5%; Women in crisis—12.5%

In partnership with the El Redil church network, FAIR’s Momentum Winter 2025 special appeal is seeking to raise $200,000 to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable in Medellín. This infusion of funds will assist holistic ministries that provide things like:

  • food and other essential resources to families in need
  • counselling and women’s ministry for abused women
  • opportunities for children and youth to learn skills and increase confidence through sports ministries and community drop-in programs
  • a safe place for girls rescued from life on the streets 

With your help, the local church in Medellín will be able to continue to provide Christ-centred holistic care to those in greatest need.

How can you help?



  • Check out the Momentum featured projects to see some of the ways that your donation will help vulnerable Colombians.


  • for strength and endurance for El Redil church leaders
  • that the Lord would raise up new leaders to serve in church plants
  • for the Lord to use Colombian believers in a mighty way to bring healing and the hope of the Gospel to the vulnerable