BridgeNorth is a survivor-led organization committed to ending sexual exploitation in Canada.
BridgeNorth’s mission is to restore the inherent dignity and value of sexually exploited women and girls by meeting their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. We help individuals experience freedom from sex trafficking in Canada through survivor-led support, prevention, education, and advocacy.
BridgeNorth website BridgeNorth Annual Reports
The Partnership
In November 2017, FAIR announced the partnership with BridgeNorth at the Fellowship National Conference. The partnership exists to provide access to the training available through BridgeNorth for the purpose of equipping and encouraging Fellowship churches.
Serving Fellowship Churches
The BridgeNorth team is available for presentations and professional training on topics such as:
- Survivor Testimony
- Human Trafficking 101 and what you can do
- Prostitution in Canada: Facts and Figures
- Internet Safety
- Pornography’s Link to Human Trafficking
Fellowship Churches Responding
Fellowship churches are being invited to respond in these ways:
- Prayerfully consider being an anchor church that will pray and embrace this ministry.
- Educate your church by having presenters from BridgeNorth speak to your church about this very real problem that exists in our own backyard.
- Have a champion or couple in your church that will share updates from time to time.
- Provide financial support to BridgeNorth.