Below is a listing of Fellowship chaplains in alphabetical order by last name. To view the list of chaplains according to their ministry focus click here. If you wish to contact a Fellowship chaplain, use the form below to connect with the Fellowship Ministry Centre.
Alexis, Patrick
Alluri, Praveen
Anderson, Philippe
Aubrais, Alain
Barussaud, Anne-Marie
Bascuñan, Guillermo
Bast, Karen
Batenga, Rolando
Beau, Miriam
Bédard, Jonathan
Belval, Sylvain
Bergeron, Karine
Bernard, Quentin
Bibeau, Bertrand
Bisson, Johanne
Boivin, Gabriel
Bourbeau, Alexandre
Bouwman, Dorothy
Brochu, Étienne
Brown, David
Brown, Valerie
Buckerfield, Russ
Camba, Jubi
Caron, Serge
Carreon, Alvin
Cauchon, Maxime
Chae, Byron
Charles, Joseph
Choueiri, Freidi
Chouinard, Rita
Coderre, Julie
Costa, Victoria
Coulidiati, Philippe
Cyr, Édith
Danbrook, Wallie
Décary, Yves
Deslauriers, Jean-Pierre
Diaz, Maria
Dixon, Darryl
Dixon, Ian
Doré, Richard
Douville, Frédérick
Dubois, Lorraine
Ethier, Hugo
Ethier, Yanick
Fogwell, Ross
Francis, Garry
Francis, John
Francis, Lise Joyal
Franco, Rick
Freeman, Peter
Frerot, Marc-Olivier
Gagné, Daniel
Gagné, Jean-Pierre
Gagnon, Caroline
Gallant, Allan
Garabedian, Mike
Gaudreault, Sylvette
Gayed, Vic
Gerber, Laurent
Gradley, Gary
Grant, Jordan
Groat, Aaron
Habib, Michel
Harkness, Doug
Helgeton, Ross
Hesselink, Jeff
Hicks, Robert
Higgins, Tom
Holderness, Ivan
Howarth, Mark
Hughes-Bunger, Luke
Jackson, Zac
Jacques, Michelle
Jodoin, Christina
Johnstone, Lloyd
Joly, Claude
Joly, Réjean
Jones, Derek
Julie, Jérèmie
Karamanoukian, Gary
Kartzmark, Tom
Kassian, Brent
Klapstein, Cathy
Krause, Alexander
Kreuzer, Ryan
Labelle, Jonathan
Lalonde, Lise
Lanthier, Eric
Lapierre, Gilles
Larouche, Patrick
Laverdière, Claude
LeBlanc, Éric
Leclerc, Kathie
Leduc, Isabelle
Lefebvre, Claude
Lefebvre, Denis
Lefebvre, Jean-Louis
Lesage, Johanne
Leta Leta, Josiane
Lévesque, Sylvain
L'Heureux, Kassandra
Litchfield, Alan
Longpré Joly, Danielle
Lusasa, Pierre Mbali
MacDonald, Jeremy
Mansveld, Duane
Marcel, Claude François
Martin, Ron
Masih, Vishwash
Massé, Bertrand
McGillivray, Neil
McGrath, Kevin
McGrath, Sharon
McMullen, Grace Gayle
McMullen, Paul
Michels, Stephen
Mones, Aaron
Morissette, Noël
Navarro, Chito
Navarro, Faith
Nielsen, Eric
Pais, Allen
Peppiatt, David
Perrochon, Mireille
Pharoah, Shannon
Piche, Richard
Plouffe Deslauriers, Thérèse
Plumridge, Andrew
Porter, Ben
Provencher, François
Pugliese, Luigi
Quinteros, Yoé Zavaleta
Rancourt, Sylvain
Reimer, Len
Ricard, Éric
Riel, Pascal
Riley, Todd
Ritz, David
Rock, Rachel
Rodier, Donald
Roeck, Aaron
Rossi, Daniel
Rubaschkin, Pierre
Sancey, Jean-Baptiste
Sarpiya, Samuel
Schweyer, Rob
Scobie, Nat
Seppenwoolde, Will
Servos, Danny
Servos, Gabriele
Silvister, Richard
Simard, Jean
Smith, Cameron
Smith, Gordon
Tessier, Gilles
Tétreault, Luc
Therrien, Hélène
Thorpe, Candi
Timney, Patrick
Tousignant, France
Tremblay, Yvan
Turner, Jim
Vautour, Brian
Vermette, François
Véronneau, Gabriel
Villanueva, Mario Villanueva, Raquel
Villavicencio, Renato
Vincent, Michel
Walker, Albert
Walker, Rachel
Wedel, Jonathan
Whitman, Andrew
Whitney, Dominik
Williams, Stephen
Wright, Wayne
If you have an inquiry about Fellowship Chaplaincy or wish to contact one of the chaplains listed above, please fill out the form below.