Building a Church in ONE Week!

This past summer an event occurred that beautifully illustrates what can happen when our Fellowship of churches work together. We are much stronger together!
A Fellowship Quick Build
In the following pictures, you will see the newly constructed building for the Open Arms Church in Parrsboro, NS. Fellowship Baptist friends came from all over Atlantic Canada and other parts of Canada to help build this facility in a week.
I asked pastors Steve Adams and Doug Lake to tell you their story. Steve is the Lead Pastor at Faith Baptist in Great Village, NS who mothered this daughter work, while Doug is the church planter who launched this new work with a small team.
The Importance of Partnership
Steve Adams:
“Back in 2014 when we began to move on the Lord’s prompting to see a church planted in Parrsboro, NS, we immediately recognized we needed partners. We knew that though the Lord was clearly calling us to do this, we would not be able to do it by ourselves, nor should we.
“Five years later, more than 40 new people have professed faith in Christ and are now part of the family called Open Arms Church in Parrsboro, NS. The church has a choice property with a very functional facility constructed. The building is in the drywall stage these days, but as of yet, no borrowed monies have been required.
“Open Arms now has their documentation along with their membership and expanded leadership in place. They have established ministries complete with their own vision and strategies and culture. They have their charitable status and do their own banking. They are an established church, well position in the community for future ministry and growth.”
The Birth of a Church
Doug Lake:
“In September 2019, over 70 people (brothers and sisters in Christ and some community members) representing 10 churches, joined us to frame up and board in the 6,800 square foot building in six days! Then, in October, with the help of our Redbank, South Carolina brothers, the building was watertight. Our mother church, Faith Baptist in Great Village,NS continues to send people to help on a regular basis.
“The inside framing is complete with roughed-in wiring and plumbing inspected and approved. Inside insulation to outside walls is almost complete. Currently, vapour barrier is going on all the flat ceilings, so we can blow in insulation. Our crew is now small, but we are moving in a forward motion!
“None of this would be possible without our extended body of believers who want to see the Kingdom of God proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Many have given financially, and this is greatly appreciated, as our congregation is made up of new believers. Paying as much as we can now helps us to sustain and operate our ministries and building without a huge mortgage. Many people have given hands-on help. Time is precious, so thank you for your dedication and help to further God’s Kingdom. You have lifted a burden from a small congregation through both finances and labour.
“Then there is the prayer support! If our Lord is not the one we depend on, we just go through the motions. Thank you for your prayer support that gives God the glory. It is our privilege to serve Him as we further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We know we are not alone in our mission.
“We are excited to see what the building will look like by our deadline of June 30, 2020. This completed space will help us to be a sustainable church in our community in order to reach more people with ministry, be a family-friendly space, and be a place our congregation can call home!
“Call me – come visit, let me show you our church family home. Please continue to remember and pray for us. We are so grateful for you and your love and support. To God be the Glory!
“Please take some time to view the pictures at They also tell the story!”
We Are Stronger Together
A couple years ago I shared the news of a Quick Build in Madoc, ON. It was a wonderful story of faith being exercised, and the church working together.
The Fellowship family partnered together again to support this new church in Parrsboro, NS in a big way. Our Fellowship helped raise the funds for this new church plant, raising $617,480 from the mother church (Faith Baptist, Great Village, NS), the Fellowship Atlantic Region, Fellowship National, and the Open Arms Church family as well.
Let’s shout a collective “Amen” in praise to our great God and Saviour!