Get involved in a Disciple-Making project

I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with Fellowship International through the God-Sized Task special appeal. Fellowship International is seeking to come alongside our mission personnel to help advance the task of making disciples who make disciples.
I will let our Fellowship International Associate Director, Luc Tétreault tell you more:
“In 1900, approximately a third of the world’s population self-identified as Christian. Today, in spite of the influence and impact of past missionary efforts, this percentage has not changed even though the world’s population has quadrupled! In fact, over 40% of those on this planet have never heard the Good News, and more than two billion people don’t know anyone who knows Jesus.
“Those statistics sound bleak and the work daunting! Yet God continues to raise up an army of missionaries and national workers who passionately love Him and are seeking to make Him known. In the case of nationals who work alongside Fellowship International missionaries, they are well-positioned to reach the unreached within their culture. They are culturally, linguistically, and geographically close to large groups of people who are spiritually-separated from Christ and have little or no exposure to the gospel.
“We are seeking to raise $60,000 to be used to provide training, ongoing coaching, and support to these committed national disciple-makers.
“Training others is a good thing; but when those we train, train others, who in turn will train others, this is how the work will be accomplished.”
Thank you for considering this appeal. Please visit the appeal page to make a donation today. Or consider an offering at your church, especially if your church supports someone within our Fellowship International missionary family. May God bless you as you give.