Aram's Story

This year FAIR celebrated seven years of ministry with Clementia Life Centre (CLC) in Lebanon. One of the best ways to highlight the impact of CLC over the last seven years is to introduce you to, Aram, a Kurdish-Syrian refugee who started at CLC on the very first day! He was only seven at the time, and was afraid of going to the afternoon program in public schools designed for refugee children. Aram shares that “kids would hit each other and teachers treated us badly.”
He says: “If I did not join CLC, I am certain my fate would have become a street kid and not a child of God! I would have started smoking, cursing, or using drugs, and other inappropriate behaviour that does not please the Lord, like my neighbourhood friends! I want to pay it forward, sharing the word of God with others but in creative ways.”
The last year was hard on Aram. He suddenly started fainting and was eventually diagnosed with epilepsy. At CLC we followed up with his family to ensure he got the treatment he needed. Aram now meets weekly with the psychologist and dietician who are helping him lead a healthy lifestyle to overcome his condition.
He says: “The psychologist helped me set goals and achieve them. My sleep improved since I used to sleep at 4am every day. We set a routine and the dietician helped me organize my diet and start exercising. Now I walk 10,000 steps daily."
Since he's now a teenager, Aram continues to attend CLC as part of the work-study group. Many teens need to work to help support their families, but those who attend the centre still have access to education, vocational training, and Bible study classes even if they also hold a job.
Aram's story shows the kind of impact that CLC has on the lives of the children and families who are connected to the ministry. Over the years, FAIR's support has helped purchase a "school bus" to pick up the kids, construct the rooftop school facilities, and provide ongoing financial support for CLC operations.
In 2019, the most recent phase of FAIR's relationship with CLC began when the Fellowship Child Sponsorship Program was launched. Through child sponsorship, donors are invited to support a child by monthly or annual giving as well as through prayer and letters of encouragement. This relationship has profound impacts. The ongoing financial support ensures that CLC can continue to provide holistic care to children and youth like Aram as well as their families. More than that, simply knowing that someone across the world cares about them and is praying for them is a huge encouragement. For refugee children in Lebanon, CLC is where they find love for today, and hope for tomorrow in the name of Christ.
You can help provide holistic care to children just like Aram by sponsoring a child with Clementia Life Centre today.