
From the Field: GTA

Fellowship International missionary K* shares his prayers of praise and requests. Please pray for his ministry as He works to make God’s glory known in the Greater Toronto Area.

Praise God for His vision to see His glory fill the earth, through His mission for us to be fruitful and multiply His image!

“And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth …’” (Genesis 1:28a NIV).

Praise God for an energizing time of prayer walking around a Muslim community, and for Muslims who encountered Jesus during Islam’s Night of Power. Praise Him for the recent Gospel Conversation Training and shopping mall evangelism with the First Hispanic Church. Also, praise the Lord for the two disciple-making trainings I attended, led by trainers from the United States and the United Kingdom.

While I was receiving disciple-making training, I felt God calling me to take steps of faith to train additional churches and groups in evangelism and discipleship. Two other disciple-makers in our church have the same desire to train more people in Spanish. Pray for us to walk by faith and in loving obedience to God’s leading in this new opportunity to mobilize labourers.

Pray for God’s wisdom, direction, and unity as we seek to apply what we’ve learned in disciple-making, to cast a unified God-sized vision, with a clear path, using simple tools to make disciples who make disciples, that plant churches.

We are so grateful for your prayers and partnership in the Gospel.

* *Name withheld for identity protection purposes.