Missions Institute 2024

It’s always a special time when our Fellowship International family can gather together. In June, we hosted over 50 of our missionaries at Milton Bible Church for our 2024 Missions Institute. The atmosphere was vibrant as old and new friends connected and bonded through our shared commitment to spreading the Gospel of Christ. It was incredible to see seasoned missionaries who have dedicated decades to God’s work alongside young individuals who are just starting their journeys.
Throughout the week, stories flowed freely, each one a testament to God’s transformative power across the globe. From remote villages in Madagascar to bustling cities in Japan, we heard firsthand about lives changed, communities healed, and hearts opened to receive the love of Christ. In every story, the Holy Spirit’s work was undeniable.
In the midst of worship, prayer, and shared meals, God blessed our missionaries as He lifted burdens, renewed visions, and strengthened their faith. The theme of “Peer Care”—caring for one another as Christ cares for us—gently reminded us all that while our individual paths may differ, we are united in our mission: to make disciples of all nations.
Pray that Fellowship International missionaries will continue to run the race before them with perseverance. It is not an easy race, and the road ahead is most often filled with hurdles, turns, and lots of uncertainty. We are thankful for their faithfulness to where the Lord has called them, and we trust in His Spirit who is working in their midst.