President's Blog

Our Pearson Airport Chapel Ministry turns 45 years old

Our Fellowship Chaplaincy ministry has grown to 170[FR1]  chaplains in 2024…There were just 27 Fellowship chaplains in 2012.

Our chaplains witnessed 128 professions of faith in 2022, 121 in 2023, and currently our chaplains have seen 95 professions of faith so far in 2024. Their “ministry of presence” is making a tremendous impact as they minister to people in the marketplace and communities across Canada.

Toronto Pearson Airport

One location that has witnessed much fruit through the years is our Chapel ministry at Terminals 1 and 3 at the Toronto International Airport. Its humble beginnings, 45 years ago, originated with the recent arrival of a military chaplain from India, Philip Phillips. Over four decades, the ministry further grew under the watchful care of three gifted senior chaplains, Brian Fox, Peter King, and Mike Garabedian, and their team of chaplains and volunteers.

In the past two years Senior Chaplain Mike has witnessed the growth of his chaplain volunteer team from a few to a dozen servants. We thank God for His provision as they minister to many of the over 55,000 employees and over 140,000 passengers passing through the airport each day.

Let’s Celebrate Together God’s Faithfulness

You are invited to join in celebrating God’s provision these past 45 years on September 12, 2024 at Terminal One Pearson Chapel (beside the Tim Hortons and Domestic Arrivals gate).

An Open House will be hosted from 9-11am and 2-4pm with an interdenominational worship service at noon. There will be displays, music, a video presentation, refreshments, and special guests. Come join the celebration!