
Happy Deployment, Jerusha!

After years of waiting, we are pleased to share that Jerusha Ricketts will be deploying to Medellín, Colombia this November! God has faithfully been working out all things in her life for His glory and her good. Let’s dive into her interview.

Q: How are you feeling leading up to your deployment?

A: I’m really excited! It’s been a long time of waiting. I feel like the Israelites who were wandering in the desert. I know God has been refining me through this season. I feel like I just got settled on this desert path, and He’s ended it as soon as I learned to accept it! He is definitely keeping me on my toes. 

Q: What will your ministry look like in Colombia?

A: Simply put, my vision is to make disciples who make disciples. More specifically, I want to do this through Scripture, prayer, and community. I long to see the body of believers in Medellín become the living temple of our living God!

Q: Who will be the focus of your ministry?

A: The church where I’ll be serving has a number of ministries so I’ll have to find my groove and see where the Lord leads me to serve. One demographic that my heart really beats for is the ex-pat community in Medellín. The local church has tried a couple times to start up their ministry for ex-pats, but it hasn’t worked out until now. So, I’m looking forward to how God might use me to reach this specific group.

Q: How can we pray for you?

A: First, I want to praise God for His faithfulness! In His perfect timing, He has abundantly provided in every way: finances, people, and church partners! I especially want to thank David Dobson who has been my MVP, reaching out to churches on my behalf, and connecting me with the right people to support my vision. David, thank you!

Some of my other prayer requests are:

  1. For this season of transition. Although it’s something I’ve been looking forward to for so long, I know it won’t be easy having to say goodbye to my friends and family here in Canada. I would really appreciate your prayers for God’s grace and comfort as I have my last meetings with friends, support partners, and my family.
  2. For my visa application. Lately, it’s been a bit more difficult to get visas to Colombia approved.
  3. For God to prepare my heart and also the hearts of every person whom I’ll meet in Colombia. I am sure He has so much in store for us all!
  4. For the feelings of fear and excitement that are overflowing in my heart. Please pray for wisdom for me to bring all my feelings and thoughts to the Lord.


Please continue to pray for Jerusha as she prepares for her upcoming deployment!