Update from Casa Hogar

So many exciting things have happened at Casa Hogar in the last six months.
Hector made public his decision to profess Jesus as his Saviour by being baptized . This is an important step as he transitions into adulthood and independence over the next couple of years. Pray that he would continually seek to grow spiritually closer to God and that he would be a good mentor to the younger boys at Casa Hogar.
The end of the bilingual (English/Spanish) school year in June 2024 culminated with Josué and Jennifer (Mera) graduating after 13 years of studies. Dedicated sponsors through child sponsorship provided them access to a great Christian bilingual private school. Please pray for wisdom as they discern what life after high school will look like, and make decisions related to careers and possibly further education. Pray that they would seek God and His help during this process.
Managing the education of 33 children from a variety of backgrounds and experiences is a challenge that Melodie Francis, long-term Fellowship missionary at Casa Hogar, takes head-on. Because of the diverse range of backgrounds and abilities of the children, Melodie is coordinating with nine different schools so that each child can receive education that best fits their needs. These schools include two bilingual schools, a boys’ technical school, a technical school focusing on administration, an apprenticeship program for trades, a school for children with special needs, and three different Spanish schools. Melodie works to find schools in the community that can best meet the needs of each child. Research has shown that education is the number one way to break the poverty cycle. Thank you to all the sponsors that support FAIR and Casa Hogar with monthly and/or one-time donations enabling the staff at Casa Hogar to ensure education is a priority, second only to showing them and teaching them about God’s love.
In July a short-term mission team of youth and leaders from Westney Heights, Ajax, ON were at Casa Hogar. While there, they built a large wooden play structure as well as shared some meals, crafts, and games with the kids. Some of the older boys, when not in school, were able to work alongside the men building the structure. There were a number of blistered hands the first few days after the build, as the kids tested all of the obstacles. The bilingual schoolkids really enjoyed this time as they were off school and were able to attend the VBS that the team ran at the bilingual school. In addition, the main entrance to Casa Hogar was transformed through fresh paint and a new mural going up. Thanks be to God for all work that was completed in seven quick days and for the new personal connections that were formed.
The four Vasquez children that arrived in December 2023 are adjusting to life at Casa Hogar and attending school for the first time in their young lives. Although they still struggle with health issues due to low immune systems, they are enjoying being active with all the other kids. At one point, Wilmer, the oldest, was found interacting with a group of the kids playing soccer. This is a substantial achievement for him.