MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Fellowship Family
Our Fellowship National Staff want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Exodus 3:13-14 captures an amazing exchange between God and Moses. Moses was told to refer to Jehovah as “I am who I am”. In John 8:58, Jesus referred to Himself as the “I am,” a not-so-subtle way of identifying Himself as divine. I am the Word, I am the Light, I am the Bread, I am the Door.
As the Word, Jesus came and spoke
As the Light, Jesus came to shine
As the Bread, Jesus came to satisfy
As the Door, Jesus came to save
Three wise men followed a star 2,000 years ago, bearing gifts for the Saviour.
The first gift was gold, a gift fit for a king. A humble, unassuming infant lying in a manager is the Lord of lords! Incredible.
The second gift was myrrh, a perfumed spice the ancients used to embalm the dead. This gift foretold Jesus’ end. The child starts in a cradle in a barn, only to end on a cross on skull-hill! Christmas without Easter does not complete the story.
The last gift was frankincense, which was used in the Temple to symbolize the prayers of God’s people reaching up to God. By its very nature, our need of prayer implies our need for a Saviour. We seek Him out because we are dependent on Him. Christianity is first and foremost a faith founded on a:
Person, not a philosophy
Who, not a what
Relationship, not some rules
Celebrate with our National team the wondrous story once again this Christmas!
Until my next “Word from Steve” in early January, have a joy-filled Christmas and New Year!