Finding Healing through the Gospel

In Mark 2:17 (NIV), Jesus says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” This statement holds a promise for those of us who know we need spiritual healing—those who know they’re sick and run down by sin, and know they can’t heal themselves.

This is true for many of the women who come to the women’s ministry run by El Redil San Cristobal church.

They have experienced hurt from their families, their communities, and churches teaching false doctrine. Many of the women have physical sickness and/or are emotionally unwell, causing additional layers of hurt as they struggle to understand their suffering without loving spiritual guidance.

Rubi is one of these women. Her story is an example of not only what happens when believers are not shepherded properly, but also of the level of healing that can happen when they receive Gospel-centred care and leadership. What a joy to hear of her transformation.


You can learn more about how FAIR is partnering with El Redil church network in Medellín, Colombia to help women just like Rubi.