
Catch the Vision

Catch the Vision


Jesus answered, “The most important [commandment] is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” [Mark 12:29-31 (ESV)]

 Who is your neighbour?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus illustrates that your neighbour isn’t always who you think they are (Luke 10:25-37). They might not look like you or speak your language or understand your culture. They might not live on your street. They might not even be in the same country as you. But just like the good Samaritan, we as followers of Jesus are to see the needs around us and respond to those in need, with mercy and compassion, with our time and finances.

FAIR exists to alleviate human suffering and facilitate social development. We do this by partnering with churches and like-minded organizations. FAIR acts as the eyes — identifying the needs of our global neighbours — the mouth — communicating the need with Fellowship churches and donors — and the hands — helping Fellowship International missionaries and the local church who are uniquely placed to be able to meet the need. FAIR helps those with listening ears and generous hearts to be loving neighbours in a global context. The Love Extended FAIR Catalogue of Projects is a resource developed specifically to showcase a wide range of humanitarian aid and social development needs.

Four of the projects found in the FAIR Catalogue — Out of the Waiting Room (Madagascar), Love Trust Building Repairs (Sri Lanka), Pakistan Community Development (Pakistan), and Project Freedom (MENA and Stan regions) — are in particular need of support from global neighbours. To help highlight these needs, FAIR’s Winter 2024 special appeal, Catch the Vision, is seeking to raise $160,000. Funds raised will be distributed between the four projects, making it possible for Fellowship International missionaries to love their neighbours in these practical ways.

Whether it’s supporting surgical training in Madagascar, increasing the capacity to help disadvantaged Haitian communities in Dominican Republic, vocational training in Pakistan, or supports for inmates in the MENA and Stan regions, each project brings both the truth of the Gospel and tangible love in action to those who benefit from them.

Would you prayerfully consider how the Lord is calling you to respond?

LEARN — We encourage you to visit the catalogue listing on our website for each of the four projects to learn more about the needs and how FAIR is seeking to support the work of the Fellowship International missionaries and nationals involved.

Out of the Waiting Room (Madagascar)

Love Trust Building Repairs (Sri Lanka)

Pakistan Community Development (Pakistan)

Project Freedom (MENA and Stan regions)

PRAY — Pray that many would seek to act as global neighbours through this appeal. Ministry-specific prayer requests for each of the projects can be found at the bottom of their catalogue listing.

GIVE — Would you prayerfully consider making a donation to Catch the Vision or one of the four projects?