
2024 Stand by Me

2024 Stand by Me

It has been over two years since the war between Russia and Ukraine began. Many lives have been lost or drastically impacted by physical wounds or the loss of loved ones. Ukrainians have been displaced by the fighting and many have left the country to live as refugees in neighbouring countries and across the world. Life on every level has been affected, and with each year that the conflict persists, winter brings with it additional hardship.

Although the Ukrainian people continue to show great strength and fortitude in the face of uncertain and dangerous circumstances, there is an undeniable emotional toll. Families have lost homes, livelihoods, and loved ones, and have endured physical injury. For the churches and organizations working to meet needs that a government focused on defending its borders can’t address, it has been a long war. The pastors, leaders, and workers are exhausted. They need encouragement. They need prayer. They need help.

In February 2022, FAIR launched the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis emergency appeal. The response from Fellowship churches and FAIR donors was swift and left no doubt that caring for Ukrainians affected by the war was a priority. FAIR still receives donations for this need, and churches in Poland and Ukraine are still blessed by your care. THANK YOU!

FAIR's Stand by Me Fall special appeal is inviting you to partner with churches in Poland and Ukraine who are ministering holistically to the needs of displaced Ukrainians. The goal is to raise $1 million which will be used support the local church in five strategic ways:

  • distribution of food and basic essentials
  • family retreats for those experiencing trauma and loss
  • children’s camps and orphan care to help children heal from trauma
    frontline ministries
  • strengthening the local church through counseling, training, and encouragement of leaders

This is a big goal, but the need is great. Our God is awesome and we know He has a big heart for those who are suffering. We have seen what happens when FAIR donors and churches work together. With many hands giving joyfully, as they are able, we are confident the Lord will provide for this great need.

For Individuals and Businesses

Learn more about some of the ways that your donation to Stand by Me will help displaced Ukrainians:

For Churches

Your church can be involved in a variety of ways:

Option #1 — Give through a Christmas/Thanksgiving church offering or gift
Option # 2 — Pray for Ukraine
Option #3 — Send church members to serve
Option #4 — Adopt a church

Check out the Stand By Me Church Information sheet to learn more.

This big ask is an opportunity for Canadians to stand with their brothers and sisters who are doing the hard work of serving in a time of war. To encourage them. To lift them up. To show them they are seen and cared for.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:9-10 ESV)

Just as our awesome God stands with us and cares for us in times of trouble, will you stand with your brothers and sisters in Ukrainian and Polish churches through this appeal?