Mission + Vision


Demonstrating Christ’s Love

Fellowship Chaplaincy seeks to enable chaplains to demonstrate the love of Christ where people live and work.


Transformed Lives

Fellowship Chaplaincy will be a dynamic extension of the local church resulting in transformed lives.

We will increasingly see partnerships with our churches and donors through:

  • Connecting to a Fellowship chaplain to pray for their needs,
  • Cooperating with a Fellowship chaplain to support their financial and prayer needs,
  • Coordinating with a Fellowship chaplain to partner in ministry initiatives,
  • Collaborating with a Fellowship chaplain to enter into formal partnership for a specific ministry initiative.


Serving Authentically

Fellowship chaplains serve people by passionately pursuing the following:

  1. We are God-focused in our attitude and service:
    a. Prayer demonstrates our absolute dependence.
    b. Presence demonstrates our calling and responsibility.
  2. We are local church-focused in our partnerships:
    a. Promote healthy, accountable relationships with Fellowship churches.
    b. Partner with Fellowship and other like-minded churches in ministry to their community.
    c. Participate with church members in serving their colleagues at work.
  3. We are people-focused in our service:
    a. Extend Christ's love to the struggling and spiritually needy.
    b. Exercise sensitive and professional ministry practices.
    c. Empower others to serve in the community.


Extending Local Church Impact

Chaplains will:

  1. Establish the “ministry of presence” by demonstrating the unconditional love of Christ in the community.
  2. Express compassion always, while sharing Christ whenever possible.
  3. Exemplify truth in love while working in a multi-faith environment.
  4. Extend their ministry in the community by partnering with the local church.
  5. Equip churches to serve in their community.

Fellowship Chaplaincy will:

  1. Ensure that the mission, vision, values, and strategic goals are accomplished.
  2. Ensure accountability and training of chaplains.
  3. Ensure effective member care is provided.
  4. Ensure help and expertise in the creating of chaplains’ prayer and financial support teams.
  5. Ensure the availability of professional affiliation and credentialing.