Current Initiative

Baptist Builder—
Lighthouse Baptist Church, Kincardine, ON


Appeal: #250

Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church is located in beautiful Kincardine, ON, on the shores of Lake Huron. Since its inception nearly 31 years ago, the church has seen God at work in many ways. However, over the past five years the church has experienced a movement of God unlike anything they have ever experienced before.

It began just as the world headed into the COVID-19 pandemic. God began bringing people to the church, saving them, and seeing them baptized, and since then, the church has more than doubled in size. While this growth has been seen across all demographics it is especially seen in the number of young families and children.

With the growth comes the need to expand church’s facilities. Initial conversations focused on the need to add a few more rooms. However, with the growth being seen, such plans would be short-sighted solutions.

The church has launched into a building project to construct a new sanctuary and renovate the existing sanctuary and building into ministry space. It is a big plan, but one the congregation feels is both necessary and doable with God’s provision.

One of the most exciting things about the building project is the sense of unity God has brought to the congregation. There is a focus on trusting God and looking to Him not just to provide but to continue to grow the church. Lighthouse Fellowship doesn’t want to be complacent with what God has already done and lose their passion and purpose. The church desires to be a lighthouse in the community for many generations to come.

The church has approved preliminary designs, and the architects and engineers are currently working on drawings. While this is taking place the church is praying and giving, trusting God to provide.

Realizing the building expansion was likely a few years away, the church did some additional building renovations this winter to allow for more seating in the sanctuary and to make the space more multifunctional. The church is excited to see God provide and work.

Would you prayerfully consider how the Lord would have you partner with Baptist Builders to assist Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist Church?

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