Momentum — Donation Methods

Colombian neighbourhood located on a hillside


  1. Make the cheque payable to “The Fellowship” and indicate that you would like to support the Momentum (Colombia) Appeal – #3453 on the memo line or on an attached piece of paper.
  2. Mail the cheque to: The Fellowship, P.O. Box 457 Guelph, ON, N1H 6K9.

Online Mastercard or VISA

  1. Go to the Momentum donate page on the Fellowship website.
  2. To give to a specific fund, scroll partway down the page and click on the corresponding title (e.g. “Send a kid to sports camp” or “Host a women’s healing retreat”). On the new page, scroll down and click “Add To Gift Basket”. To give to the appeal’s general fund, scroll to the bottom of the Momentum Special Appeal page and click on “Add to Gift Basket”.
  3. Enter the amount you’d like to give and click “Go”.
  4. To give another gift, click “Add Another Donation” and repeat steps 2-3.
  5. Scroll down to “Complete Your Donation” and choose the frequency for all the gifts in your gift basket.
  6. Fill in the billing and card information and click “Continue”.
  7. Review your donation details and click “Confirm and Donate” when you are finished.

Pre-Authorized Debit

  1. Go to the Momentum donate page on the Fellowship website and click on “Cheque, Pre-Authorized Payment” under the “Donate” banner. This will take you to the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement form.
  2. Complete the form. Ensure you check “recurring” if you’d like to give monthly on the 15th of each month, or “one-time” if you’d like to make a single donation. Include the appeal and account number when completing the form: Momentum (Colombia) Appeal – #3453
  3. Attach a void cheque to the form and send both documents to the Fellowship's accounting office: by mail to The Fellowship, P.O. Box 457, Guelph, ON, N1H 6K9 or you can submit the forms online.

By phone

  1. Simply call 519-821-4830, extension 227. We can process a Mastercard or VISA donation, or we can also receive your banking information for a Pre-Authorized Debit donation to be processed on the 15th of the month.
  2. Please be sure to provide the appeal name and account number: Momentum (Colombia) Appeal – #3453.