Haiti Earthquake Update – Monique’s Story

It has been almost a year since a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. Seeing the need was great, FAIR responded with Tearfund Canada, one of FAIR’s partner organizations. Tearfund Canada partnered with 12 Christian humanitarian organizations which is being led by World Renew. The initial response was directed through Community Advisory Committees made up of men and women from three locations who identified the greatest needs in their communities. This resulted in emergency food distribution to over 8,000 people, food budget support for three months for the most vulnerable, and seed and tool distribution for the Fall planting season. Some of the response was delayed by the political instability within the country as well as fuel shortages.

Tearfund shared the following story about Monique, one of the recipients of the emergency support:

“I was washing my hands and then a throng of people were running towards my house; they were screaming, ‘Gangs are shooting; many people have been killed. Leave now!’” Monique Guerrier, the 46-year-old Haitian mother of four clearly remembers the day she had to leave home. The violence in Martissant in June 2021 was stunning. Automatic fire was crisscrossing the streets. Houses were burned to the ground. Several people died. For 21 years, the young widow had lived in a small home she had built for her family. But when the violent gang conflict flared up, like so many of her community, the family was forced to flee.

After spending time in a shelter, Monique decided to take her family to her original home area of Arnaud, Nippes. Two other families would join her on the journey.

Once they arrived, the Guerrier family found a small house in the rural community of Morcou, a house they opened to share with two more families. For a while, there were 14 people living together within eight square metres. Life was made more difficult by the daily uncertainty of wondering if there would be food to eat. “I spent days looking for food and other essential items for my children and the two other families that joined us here,” Monique shares.

Then on August 14th, a powerful earthquake tore her small house down. It could have easily claimed their lives. “No house in Martissant, no house in Morcou now, and no livelihoods to provide at least for our daily bread. I am 100% depending on God’s mercies. I live by faith; I wait for God,” Monique explained. And in Morcou, Monique heard about Canadian Foodgrains Bank member, World Renew’s emergency distribution for families affected by this large earthquake. World Renew used their own funds to provide emergency access to both food and non-food items.

Monique was in awe. She never expected World Renew staff to walk far and wide in Morcou to personally visit and extend sympathies to families who experienced the earthquake’s damages. Monique noted, “we are so grateful that World Renew came to Morcou with food (rice and oil), hygiene items, dental items and sanitary items, which they distributed to the families. May God’s abundant blessings be upon the organization!”

Pray for Haiti

Pray that ongoing humanitarian and development work would not be delayed by the instability of the country.

Pray that the most vulnerable who are still grieving the loss of loved ones, livelihoods, and homes will be comforted and that their needs will be met. Pray that they would have access to the resources they need to recover from the earthquake.

Pray that the development response would help build long-term resiliency within the communities being served even while short-term needs are being met.