Winter Update
Director’s Greetings
What an incredibly fruitful year 2023 was for Fellowship International! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your partnership in prayer, finances, and sending us such passionate and gifted missionaries from your local churches. I lift you all up in my prayers with sincere thanksgiving, and praise Him for His abundant blessings this past year.
EPIC + Onside
EPIC + Onside had a great year of ministry: we added four new sites this year, bringing our total church partnerships to 43. We also partnered with churches to serve over 15,000 meals to children in low-income areas. Through our various programs this past year, we served close to 6,000 children, distributed over 300 Bibles, and saw 58 campers make a decision to follow Christ.
Pray for our churches as they persist in engaging families that had children/youth in attendance at camps and leagues this past summer. Pray also that our young staff will continue to grow deeper in their faith alongside their church communities.
Newly Appointed Missionaries
God is abundantly increasing our family of missionaries! We are pleased to introduce to you our most recently appointed missionaries who will be advancing the Gospel around the world.
- Grady and Brittany Fleming — transition to full-time in the Philippines
- Michael and Maha Ghiz — serving in Middle East and North Africa region
- Joshua Lee — serving First Nations in BC
- Dani and Gladys Sebalis — serving in Lebanon
Rokebys to Japan
Andrew and Tanja Rokeby are deploying to Japan! They have been diligently preparing for their departure and are eager to be a part of God’s work in Japan. God willing, the Rokebys will partner with existing local churches to disciple and equip Japanese lay people to lead in the local church and bring the Good News into their communities. Please pray for them as their family transitions to Japan and settles in into their new home.
From the Field: Julianna Richardson in Medellín, Colombia
“About a month after arriving in Colombia, I took an intensive Spanish course at a university in Medellín. I was praying for opportunities to share the Gospel in my class. On the first day, in talking with a classmate, she asked me if she could do a Bible study with me! In talking with her, I learned that she had grown up hearing about a lot of different religions, and wasn’t sure what to believe. I was able to give her a Bible and we studied through a chapter of John together each week. She was really excited about it, and was asking a lot of questions. She learned how she could find truth in Scripture and study it for herself.
“Please pray for continued opportunities to share the Gospel with those around me, and for boldness and courage to start conversations as God opens doors.”
Catalyzing Movements
Over the last year, we have been working on a special resource to help our missionaries implement disciple-making that lead to multiplication. In doing this, we realized that Fellowship International has a unique way of approaching disciple-making movements. We’re so excited to introduce to you our manual, Catalyzing Movements. This resource is not only available to our missionaries, but also to all our churches in Canada! To access the CM manual and for more information, click here.
You’re Invited to our Online Prayer Room!
We have just launched a new online platform to connect YOU directly to our Fellowship International missionaries. If you or your church are interested in getting real-time updates from our missionaries, sharing prayer requests from your own church, and joining our online community, then click here. As we seek to bring our Fellowship family closer together, we hope you’ll join us online!