President's Blog

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it

Oscar Wilde said, “I can withstand anything except temptation.” Some might say the only way to get rid of temptation is giving into it. In one of my favourite hymns, we sing:

        “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,

        Prone to leave the God I love;”

All of us have experienced the seasons in our spiritual lives where our soul has felt particularly lean. A difficulty, disappointment, or depression has robbed us of the joy of our salvation.

If you are feeling the need to talk confidentially to a Christian counselor about any spiritual, emotional, or marriage concern in your life before your concern becomes a crisis, please considering phoning the Clergy Care Network hotline at 1-888-5-CLERGY (1-888-525-3749).

Fellowship National and several other evangelical denominations in Canada have partnered with Focus on the Family to provide professional Christian counselors to their clergy, missionaries, chaplains, and their spouses.

Your phone call is confidential. No one reports who contacts the Clergy Care hotline. Just phone and talk to a credentialed professional Christian counselor. Do it today.

All of us experience dry spells in life, often caused by trials and temptations which are a fact of life. Both deplete the inner life. It would be prudent for each of us to learn how to respond well to these recurring facts of life.

  • Trials are situations designed by God to help us grow to spiritual maturity.

  • Temptation is designed by Satan to cause us to sin and to hinder our spiritual growth.

Wise pilgrims learn to clearly identify both in life, benefitting from trials and not allowing temptation to rob one’s spiritual vitality. Those sojourners that consistently win over temptation with experience soul health and receive the promise of James 1:12 (NIV):

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

If you feel a need to talk to someone confidentially, phone 1-888-CLERGY today.