FAIR Catalogue Projects

Life Conversations

Life Conversations

PROJECT #: 3007


Pregnancy and the birth of a child are meant to be a time of expectation and joy. God’s design is for the love between a husband and wife to create the gift of a child. But the reality of the brokenness of our culture and world often translates into a different picture. Marriage is increasingly a commitment that is passed over or discarded when it gets too hard. Intimate relationships meant for a husband and wife are glorified; increasingly casual and “complicated”. Reports of sexual abuse and violence towards women are on the rise.

There are many and varied reasons why a woman might find herself with an unexpected pregnancy. You can imagine how complex the thoughts and emotions might be for her. The options may seem limited if her pregnancy comes without support from family or friends. Or perhaps she is trying to recover from violence or abuse related to the pregnancy. And don’t forget the daunting prospect of single parenting. It’s in those first hours as she processes and makes decisions, that it’s crucial for those walking alongside her to speak God’s love and truth. But what do we say? How do we respond? How do we get past the seemingly impossible barrier of such an emotionally charged topic?

FAIR’s partner organization Pregnancy Care Canada is helping meet these women with compassion and the love of Christ through pregnancy care centres across Canada. FAIR is committed to supporting PCC as they seek to ensure centres have the resources and training they need, and that churches have access to resources to be able to engage in meaningful conversations within their communities. Funds raised through the Life Conversations project will be used to develop new resources and ensure current resources are up to date.

Pray that God’s will would be done through the creation of these resources, and that churches will be empowered to engage compassionately as they encounter women facing life-altering decisions.

RAISED: $ 1,260
GOAL: $ 14,500